See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

October 6, 2012

I woke up to this picture on my phone as a text from Kelley...isn't she the cutest?!?!  I decided to go running in the fitness center that's attached to my dorm because I'm running a 5K on Saturday and I can't run three miles continuously so I should probably start working on that.  The total distance I ran/walked was 3 miles and out of that, I ran 2.5 miles but not continuously...I took a few breaks in between.  Afterwards, I took a shower!  Yay!  Maritza and I got lunch and then I went to the library.  Her parents and one of her sisters drove into town to visit her today so she was really excited about that and now we have a lot of new additions to our room!  Like a light in the creepy dark corner of our room!  I spent most of the day in the library and I got so much accomplished and it felt great!  The only things I didn't get done are the two essays I have which I should get a start on...........
I went to the library at around 2ish and then I went and got dinner at 5:30ish.  On my way back from dinner to the library, I was stopped by these two people who asked me for directions.  I wasn't able to help them though because I'm still a newbie but they were super nice about it anyway.  I stayed in the library until 8ish and then went back to my room.  Maritza and I wanted to watch The Matrix but it didn't work on her computer so instead we watched Wicker Park which was weird but good!  The movie also has the girl from Bridesmaids in it...the annoying rich one and she was also annoying in this movie!!  After that, we went to bed.
On an unrelated note, Kelley posted my blog to her fb and here is the insane jump in views that happened because of it!:

I just thought I'd share that with the world.

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