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October 25, 2012

Today was Thursday which is my least favorite day of the week class-wise.  I had breakfast and then cinema which was funny because my TA showed a clip from a movie to represent continuity editing of something and then a girl gave a presentation on the guy that produced that movie and she showed the same clip hahaha.  It was pretty great.  Then I went back to my room and chilled before going to lunch and German.  Then I had rhetoric and we got out 15 minutes early which would have been exciting except I have a class at 3:30 right next door and I got out at 3 instead of 3:15 so I had nothing to do for a half hour.  The viewing we had for our cinema class was Unforgiven which was fine except too drawn out.  I found myself zoning out because the conversations were boring and took forever to get to the point.  When I got back to my room, I waited for Maritza to get back from practice and then we went to dinner.  After dinner, she showed me her gear for rowing that she picked up today.  She was like Mary Poppins taking all the clothes out of her bag.  The bag was seen in the POD but the clothes just kept coming.  This picture doesn't accurately show how much clothes she actually got but it was a whole lot...and it was all black.
After she took a shower and I did nothing because I had zero homework that was urgent, we decided we wanted to watch Fight Club which she had on her computer.  It turned out that the movie wouldn't work so instead we decided to watch Good Luck Chuck which has Dane Cook so it was funny but inappropriate.  When that was over, we went to bed. 

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