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January 8, 2012

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY KELLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So today was Kelley's 21st birthday in case anybody forgot :)  We woke up and mom made French toast for breakfast which was actually sort of lunch because it was at 11 o'clock hahaha.  Then, she opened her presents!!!  I gave her an Iowa t-shirt cause I'm a jerk :) and mom and dad got her dresses, a camera, wine, and flowers!  She didn't want me to post pictures of her opening presents because she looked like a yahoo but here's my favorite one anyways ;) :
After presents we both took showers and I read a little bit and then we all reconvened again to eat some cake!  My mom made the awesome cake because she is awesome.  Here is Kelley blowing out her candles as a twenty-one year old!:
After we ate cake, we "chilled" for a little while and headed for Houl-i-hans! It's a restaurant in the Algonquinish area that had 1/2 off drinks or something and that was super cheap if we got their meali(o) deali(o)!  Kelley, Mom, Dad, Justin, and Kyle all got drinks and I was afraid I would be the one driving but it all ended up okay!  Kelley also got two free shots of vodka because it was her birthday and Kyle took the second one with her.  I took a picture of the moment but it's super blurry so it's not that amazing.  But here is all the legal drinkers clinking their glasses:
Her first (legal) drink :)
After dinner, Kelley and Justin went home and Dad, Mom, Kyle, and I drove Kyle back to the city.  I fell asleep on the way home and now I'm back!  Kelley and Justin are watching Bridesmaids and drinking wine and I think I'm going to bed haha
Goodnight and Happy Birthday Kelley!!!


  1. I was in the city today too because Matt moved there! I wonder how close he and Kyle are to each other.

    Also I laughed when you thought you'd be the one driving. If everyone in your family drank so much that they couldn't drive, I would be worried about that... haha!!

    Aaaaaaaaaand I am sad I missed french toast. Haha!

  2. I love this entire post hahaha It cracks me up!! Thank you for the Iowa shirt, you big jerk! I guess you owed me anyways haha What a wonderful birthday :)

  3. Kyle lives somewhere in Wicker Park so I don't know if that's close or not. Also, mom was a bit questionable at dinner haha but thank God dad was driving so it was all good :)

  4. It appears that Wicker Park and Rogers Park are a bit of a commute apart... haha! Like a 25 minute drive, if people drive in Chicago.
