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January 17, 2012

Today I went back to school after a nice long weekend.  I came home, finished Atlas Shrugged, ate dinner, then went to dance.  WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...I finished Atlas Shrugged?  The 1069 paged Atlas Shrugged?  The Atlas Shrugged that I started reading on freaking NOVEMBER 8th?  Yes.  Yes I did.  I feel like I shouldn't even continue on since that's all that needs to be written to make this day worth it to me! :)
So we picked up the book for econ back in November and I was very unenthused to read it since it has size five font and paper as thin as skin and can still be used to knock someone unconscious.  Mr. Wooderson, at one point, suggested reading 15 pages a night and I just decided to do that since it was doable!  And now, my friends, I am donezo!  I liked it but mainly because I read books for their stories and not really what they're trying to teach hahaha which probably isn't the way to go.  Anyway, some points of the book I found valid but then other points I found extremely extreme and very redundant but it's a nice book to have read for reference I guess and I still can't get over the fact that it was written by someone who moved from freaking RUSSIA!  Also, I noticed my political views are very malleable depending on who's talking to me cause I don't really understand all that much which is not good news bears!  I need to learn me some politics.
Anyway, Happy Finish The Gigantic Book You've Been Reading For 3 Months Day!  I hope yours was as satisfying as mine :)