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Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

January 25, 2012

I'm going to be completely honest, I took this picture yesterday :)  But I thought it needed its own day and didn't deserve to be a smaller picture on yesterday's blog hahaha.  So yesterday, we were in the locker room and a girl pulled her backpack out of an unused locker that she was keeping it in and this GIGANTIC hairball came out with it hahaha.  This picture does not do it justice!  It was seriously the size of a baseball!!!  I said I wanted to take a picture of it and Carlee wanted to be in it so here is the product of that!  Afterwards, someone knocked it on the ground and swept it under the bench haha :)
Anyway, today was a late start so I got to sleep in an extra hour!  Hoorah!  Then we did the usual during school and nothing interesting really happened.  The econ test I decided not to study for ended up becoming a take home test since it was a shortened period hahaha; good call by Lisa for not studying :)  Then there was a NHS meeting after school and we had pizza and talked and then I went home to head off to tumbling!  They worked on floor the whole time so I spent the time on tramp until my feet started getting sore then I moved to double mini for the last 15 minutes!  Yay!  Now I'm going to finish my econ test and read a chapter in A Tale of Two Cities!

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