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September 8, 2012

Today was a lazy day.  I woke up around 10 and Maritza went to the post office.  Once she got back, we went to lunch where they were serving RUEBENS!!!  I freaking love Reubens!!  That made my day.  Today was the Iowa versus Iowa State game so everybody was going nutso.  I decided that since everybody and their brother was going to be at the game, it was a good day to go swimming!  Before I left, Mom and Dad called me and I talked to them for a little bit.  Then I went swimming!  My plan worked because there was literally nobody in the pool!  Yay!  On my way there, however, I noticed a swarm of people flocking back from the football stadium and it scared me because I didn't want to be around people.  I took a picture of part of the crowd while I was waiting to cross the street.
The football stadium is over on the other side of the river and I could hear people cheering while I was walking to the rec center which is not very close.
So I swam for an hour.  It was great.  I went to go in the sauna, thinking that it would help my cold, but when I went inside, it was not that hot and I felt like I was just sitting in a room by myself so I left.  I went back to my room and it took me forever to get back because it was so beautiful out and I just kind of mosied my way back home (side note: my computer says "mosied" isn't a word, and it recommends I use "moshed" instead hahahahaha).
When I got back to my room, I decided to go do homework out on the Pentacrest since it was such a lovely day.  I got one piece of homework done, but that was it.  Maritza texted me and asked if I wanted to go to dinner so I did.  We got there just in time because the football game had just ended and people were swarming for food.  We lost, by the way.  Maritza's friend texted her to tell her we lost and he said that State pretty much destroyed us and when she asked the score he said it was 9-6....I don't know much about football but that score doesn't seem to constitute as "destroying"..........
After dinner, we both had panic attacks about how much we needed to get done but neither of us felt like doing homework.  I decided to lay on my floor to do homework for a different didn't really work, but I did get some stuff done.  I had Maritza edit one of my essays and she slaughtered it haha but it's better now so that's okay!
We ended up staying up until around 2 doing homework/not doing homework...:)

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