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September 12, 2012

I know this picture is really gross but I'm sorry.  Today was just a normal day.  I woke up at 8:30ish or something and then I did homework and went to lunch.  After lunch I had German and my science class.  We had a sub in our science class and it was so terrible because the guy was so boring and monotone and we spent 50 minutes talking about telescopes but I was not paying atteniton at all.  Luckily, my teacher felt bad for ditching us the class before our test so he gave us the two questions that are going to be on the test about telescopes so we really didn't have to listen!  After that, I went back to my room and tried to take a nap but it wasn't happening.  ICON was down which made me angry because I couldn't really do any of the homework/studying that I needed to since everything was on ICON.  So I just kind of laid around for a long time until Maritza came home and I tried to take a nap again but failed again.  We went to dinner at 5:30 and then after dinner, I headed over to the library to meet with a girl in my science class.  We wanted to study together for our test on Friday but once we sat down to do it, we realized we had no idea how to go about it was kind of a  We did look over some things though!  Afterwards, she walked back with me to my dorm and then she caught a bus back to her dorm and I actually studied!  Yay!  When I went to go to bed...I still couldn't fall asleep which makes me mad...grr.

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