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September 28, 2012

Today was pretty unproductive but that's okay!!  I had my German class which was great because it went by really fast.  Then I had my stars and galaxies class which also went by really fast.  After that, I didn't really know what to do with myself so I decided to go to the library to be productive...that didn't work because I tried reading this article but got super bored halfway through and physically could not continue to read the article.  Instead, I did German homework and then watched YouTube videos!!!  Yay!  Maritza had rowing practice until 6:30 and we were going to eat dinner after that but then we realized that the dining hall closes at 7 on Fridays so we did not make it in time.  When I walked back from the library, I heard the marching band playing because the homecoming parade was going on.  When I got back to my room, I ate some soup and Maritza showered and ate and then we went over to the Pentacrest where there was a concert.  Last week, I got an e-mail saying that some guy and Matt and Kim were going to open for some band and I was super excited because I know one song from Matt and Kim and I really like that one song!!!  So Maritza and I went to the concert and we got there at the perfect time!  The first guy opening was just finishing as we approached the Pentacrest and then we only had to wait for few minutes before Matt and Kim came out!!  Here is a picture of them:

I didn't know most of the songs they sang but that was alright because they were super into it and they were really entertaining to watch.  Matt kept throwing confetti into the audience which was cool and then at one point they tossed a bunch of deflated balloons into the crowd and asked them to blow them up and then throw them into the air on the count of 1-2-1-2-3-4.  Then I took the POD because it looked awesome.
It was really hard to take pictures because the lights were really crazy and they kept flashing into the camera.  I did end up knowing another one of their songs but I only knew one line from the song so when it came to that one line, I really jammed out hahaha.  Before the end of the show, Kim walked out into the audience by stepping on people's hands and they had to support her so I took a picture of that:

Then they played "Daylight" as their last song and I was super happy because it was the only full song that I knew!!  After they were done, a lot of people left but Maritza and I wanted to see who else was playing and then we realized that the only people left were middle aged adults and it was probably some adult band that would be uninteresting so we went back to the dorm.  And that was the end of my day!

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