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September 4, 2012

So today wasn't that great haha.  I woke up at 6 and could not fall back asleep until 7:50 even though my alarm was set for 8.  Instead of just getting out of bed like a normal person, I slept which resulted in me oversleeping until 8:55...that was cool.  My first class was at 9:30 and I leave my room at 9:15 to get I ended up taking a 6 minute shower.  Go me!  After class, I picked up a free t-shirt for being in S.T.A.T. and then I ate lunch and went back to my room.  Then I had more class from 12:30 to 3:15 and then I went back to my room again.  I'm starting to come down with a cold which is making me sad :(  I had a sore throat starting from the middle of the day  Maritza and I ate dinner but before we left, she got a package from home.  Her sister had made her brownies and she sent them and in the letter it said to eat it with vanilla ice cream and she shared with me so I took a picture of my empty bowl of vanilla ice cream and brownie because that was the best thing that happened to me all day haha :) Then we went back to our room and went to a Dance Marathon meeting thing.  I signed up and got another free t-shirt while I was there.  I have seriously gotten so many free t-shirts since coming here...I don't know what to do with all of them because I don't have enough hangers!!!!  After the Dance Marathon meeting, we went back to our room and I took an hour nap which was the best decision of our life and now I'm not tired for bed...yay!

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