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June 1, 2012

Happy June!!  To celebrate the beginning of this month I went to Jill's school today!!  I agreed to go with her last night and I woke up this morning remembering that I might have had to drive Kyle to the dentist because he came home last night for a dentist appointment that was scheduled for today!  I quickly resolved my problem by calling Dad and letting him know of my dilemma whereupon he agreed to take Kyle to the dentist so it was all good :)  Jill came to pick me up at 10:45ish and then we headed to her school!!  She needed to clean her classroom today to get it all organized and such.  While I was in my corner I took this paparazzi picture of her putting a puzzle together!  I ended up sorting a bunch of cards today!  I separated two almost complete games of Uno, about six not-almost-complete decks of playing cards, and a whole lotta flash cards!!  Everywhere Jill looked, she would find more flashcards to add to the pile because they showed up EVERYWHERE!  So eventually there was an over flowing bag of flashcards.  I decided to go through them and sort them by addition and subtraction and then I separated them further into piles of cards that were all the same and then taking one card from each pile to make a set of cards!  In total, there were 11 sets made!!  Here are the individual piles I sorted them into!:

I only did the subtraction cards today because that was the smaller pile and the giant addition stack is still waiting to be sorted haha.
Jill bought me lunch today because she's awesome so we got sandwiches from the bakery across the street.  When the day was over, we left to go home!!  I ended up getting home around 4ish and then we had a quick dinner and I went off to tumbling.  Hooray for doing something with my life today!!!


  1. Yay paparazzi!! Sorry our day was boring. But I reeeeeeeeeeeeally appreciate your help!!

    1. It was much more exciting than my day would have been!!

  2. I want to revisit this post and say that I am wearing a sweatshirt and pants on June 1 and on June 9 we were sweating like crazy people. Geez louise weather!
