See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

June 18, 2012

Today started off as one of those days where I assumed I would not have a POD because nothing exciting would happen.  I ended up taking a picture of Jersey being cute in case nothing happened in my life, but gladly that was not the case for today!!!  I woke up at 9ish this morning because I was supposed to take my grandma to the chiro but Kelley ended up taking her instead because she had an appointment too!  While they were gone, I took Jersey outside, got the mail, unloaded/loaded the dishwasher, and did part of my laundry!!  When Dad got home at like 1ish, he almost had a heart attack from all the stuff I did haha.  Kelley got off work at 4 and then we went swimming in our pool for the first time of the summer!  It was really nice and warm and we took under water pictures but Kelley's camera batteries soon died so we didn't take very many.  We only got about one good one and the other ones did not work out.  After swimming, we ate dinner and then Kelley and I decided to go book hunting at Goodwill and The Salvation Army with our beloved BCF!  So we picked Jill up and went to town!!  The picture above is Kelley in The Salvation Army after we went to Goodwill.  We went to two Goodwills and The Salvation Army and she pretty much looked like this in all three stores...with books falling out of her arms!  She got so many books!!!  At the first Goodwill, I ran into this book, which Kelley needs but she decided to pass up this specific printing of the book because the little Chewbacca scared all of us hahaha I dare you to look at the cover without laughing:

 The second Goodwill we went to was about 20 minutes away from the town we were already in so we stopped by Little Caeser's so Jill could get crazy bread before we headed out!  When we finally reached the other Goodwill, it was 8:45 and they were closing at 9 and this Goodwill had a HUGE selection of books so we had to quickly scan before leaving but we all got something there!!  Yay!  Then we headed home and stopped at McDonald's to get some drinks and that was my first time ever ordering at a drive thru!!  Kelley filmed the whole experience in case anybody was wondering.  We dropped Jill off at home and then we headed home and I spent the rest of the night helping Kelley alphabetize her books and making a list so that she knows all that she has!  Now I'm tired and will probably be going to bed!!

1 comment:

  1. That Subtle Knife picture CRACKS ME UP!!!!!!!! Omg I can not handle myself.

    And we had a great time driving around! Even though I couldn't hear!!
