See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

June 11, 2012

Today was my first day of college and I did absolutely nothing!!  I signed online at like 11 and looked over the syllabus and then spent the rest of the day reading haha :)  I also worked on a scholarship.  I'm pretty content with the way things currently are with my classes.  My first in class class is tomorrow and I'm nervous because it's speech...bleh.
Today was so hot again but it felt hotter than the past two days because it was very humid today!  I was scared to go to tumbling because I was sweating just sitting on the couch!!  And let me tell you, I sure did sweat at tumbling tonight!  Since nationals is coming up, they marked our sticks and we needed two for each pass on double mini and three for our tramp pass and I stuck all of the required ones!!!  I NEVER stick anything!!  The POD are the marks I got for sticking my double mini passes.  My coach was so proud of me!!  (side note: I just forgot how to spell coach and kept typing couch and then wondering why it looked wrong haha)
Today would not be complete without pictures of Jersey!  Here she is looking cute:

In my opinion, her leg looks like not a part of her body in that picture...
And here is her being a hot pup:

She was seriously so hot today so she just kept moving around to different areas and laying there to see if she would be cooler in that spot.  As you can see in the second picture, she looked dead.
Story time:
This happened last night after I already wrote my blog so I'm including it into today's post.  Last night when I was sitting at my computer after already writing my blog post, I hear a whimper float up through my bedroom floor from the basement.  It was obviously my pup.  Mom and I were both very concerned and thought she was trapped in a closet or something in the basement so we went down to rescue her.  We turned on the lights and walked all the way to Kelley's bedroom and Jersey was sitting at the end of the bed.  Apparently she was afraid to jump off the bed so she barked for someone to come rescue her.  When she saw us, she got off the bed and was so happy to see us.  She's ridiculous.  That's all.

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