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February 3, 2012

Pictured above is a pair of the owlie earrings that Arzu got me for my birthday!!!  They're so cute!  They're like little nuggets :)  I wore another pair yesterday!  For those who can't tell by now, I like owls haha :)  I'm trying really hard to remember what happened today but I really can't remember haha :)  That's sad.  I think today was just a pretty average day and nothing exciting really happened...I guess one thing that happened was that at peer tutoring today, I was handed a field trip form to fill out because apparently some profesh tutorer is coming in to talk to all the tutors to show them some tutoring skillzz and at the end of it we may get certified or something.  At first I was like "meh" but then later Karla told me that if we're certified then we could tutor in college and get PAID perhaps!!! And then I was like "I'M GOING!"  The only downfall is that it's during 1-3 hour which are my favorite classes and I would rather it be from 7-9 hour because those are not my favorite (actually, calc is okay) but oh well...Hmmm...what else happened...we talked about Doug and Hey Arnold! today in lunch and we all pretty much were confused (or at least Katie and I were confused) about why some people in Doug were strange colors and then other people were normal...I also had tumbling tonight which went by super quickly and for some unknown reason my socks were unbearably slippery so I had to go barefoot.
Tomorrow, Kelley and Kyle are coming in so we could go out to eat for my birfday!!!!  I'm excited!  I bet it's going to be awesome!!!!  Sorry today was so lame haha, I'll try to live more excitingly from now on! :)

1 comment:

  1. Caaaayutie alert!!!!
    I never really thought about that in Doug....maybe it's celebrating all colors.
    I like your nugglets :)
