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February 22, 2012

It's official, my first POD of Jersey :) Haha :)  I'm surprised I made it this long without having her as my main picture :)  So before I leave for school, I always put my coat on the couch to grab when I leave and today Jersey felt like the best place to sit on the couch would be on my coat :)  She's so cute :)  I think this means she didn't want me to leave for school and she really does love me :)
Nothing exciting happened today except for the fact that I'm still getting sick :(  I started feeling horrible during eighth hour :(  After school I had an NHS meeting.  It was the shortest NHS meeting in the history of NHS meetings! I really don't know what caused it to go so fast!!
We spent the day in econ Google searching Mr. Wooderson and then he somehow related that back to whatever the heck we were learning about...?
I had tumbling tonight and I'm so close to getting my full!!!! GAHHH!!!  I'm almost almost almost there!  My coach was literally jumping for joy because I was so close!!  It's been two years...I'm ready for gosh sakes!!!
After I came home from tumbling, I watched American Idol for two hours instead of doing my homework....oops :)  Oh well , I guess I'll do it now :)


  1. hahahaha I'm in the library right now and dying because of how cute that picture is. And yes...I'm suuureeee that's why she was sitting on it. Or maybe it's because she's farting all over it to pay you back for being a huge meanie to her all the time.

    Boooo sickness! Feel better!

    Yayyy almost almost full. Once you do about 5 of them, you'll have the feeling down forever and it'll be second nature :) It takes a long time to just get the real groove of them though.

