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February 14, 2012

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! My heart definitely had a workout today!  But not in an Oh-my-gosh-I'm-so-in-love, swoony way, in a giving-blood-slash-holy-crap-this-is-the-scariest-slash-most-stressful-moment-of-my-life way.  So, as I said, I tried to give blood today.  Note that, TRIED.  If I donated all the times I've tried to donate, I would have saved hundreds of lives already...ugh.  I only need one more donation before I can get my red cord!  But I'll keep donating after my 6 donations because it's the easiest thing to do and since half the population is afraid of needles and refuses to give, I might as well help out!  There was a blood drive at our library today so Dad and I headed over there, leaving at 4:40ish.  We left the library at was such a long wait!  I read four chapters in The Catcher in the Rye in the duration I was there.  My pulse was originally 122 and the lady was freaking out about how that was the highest pulse she's ever seen before and then I was awkwardly like, "yeah, it's been in the 150s before...." haha what an inexperienced phlebotomist, seriously.  At my second check, it was 108!!! 108!!!! That's so low for my first time!!!!  JUST LET ME DONATE!!!! Anyway....Dad was able to give so at least we are one for two and I kind of went there knowing it wasn't going to happen so I wasn't terribly upset.  Then we headed home.  I somehow managed to slam my knee when closing the car door and now this is what my knee looks like:

It doesn't look like much, but it HURTS! Mom and Dad don't care, naturally.  So, moving on in my story...
Dad and I came home and Mom was out grocery shopping with Grandma so she wasn't home.  There were truffles on the counter (seen above) that Mom had labeled that we were allowed to eat!  Dad and I were talking about something along the lines of truffles when a car pulled in our driveway and I was all "oh, Mom's home" and Dad was all "really?" and then I noticed it was a smaller car and then I saw some light reflect off the side of the car so that I could vaguely make out the markings of a police car...UMMMMMM!?!?!?!! Obviously my first thought was all, "policemen only come to your house to tell you someone died...."  Eventually he came to the door and Dad went outside to talk to him and I swear this guy could have not made the situation any worse!!!  In the most monotonous, sincere voice he was all, "Are you Mr. Sullivan?...There was an accident on route blah blah blah" at which point, Dad fully stepped outside and the door closed and I could only hear parts of the conversation.  He started listing off our license plate number and I knew Dad didn't know it so I opened the door to try to help by saying what our license plate started with.  Then, finally, after about two minutes of this police guy being at our door, he was all, "it was a minor accident, your wife bumped into somebody, there's not going to be an arrest..."  The last part makes me laugh cause I'm trying to imagine my mom arrested hahaha, anyway, good news bears, NOBODY DIED!!!  Better news bears, Mom wasn't in an accident at all hahaha.  Apparently the douchey driver of the car that was hit just put the blame on the first car he found and copied down the license plate number!  So, yay!  But seriously, that was the scariest moment of my life.  I was literally shaking!  And Dad says he doesn't even remember the police officer saying half the things he said because he thought Mom was dead too.  Mom had to call the police guy and they got everything cleared out and she was all, "I was so flustered!!!"  and I was all, "IMAGINE THINKING YOU WERE DEAD!!!!"  So, yeah, appreciate what you have!!!!  Geez.
Oh yeah, then we ate the truffles.


  1. OMG! What a douche!!!!!!! I would have been panicking!!!!!

    And that is a dumb phlebotomist!!

  2. Ahhhh!!! That's the scariest story of my life and I already knew she was fine in the first place!!! hahaha God. That was douchey of the policeman to lead you guys on like that...he could've just said, "Your wife gave someone a fender bender and I'm waiting for her to come home to talk about it..." not build up the G.D. suspense like that. Holy.

    And I also agree. Silly silly phlebotomist (which my computer apparently doesn't recognize as a real word)...

    Last things last, I definitely thought you were holding up really mini steak things in the shape of hearts and I wanted to puke all over. I still don't see the truffly qualities to those...things....

    1. I think the police officer wasn't thinking about what the situation looked like haha. I'm pretty sure he was just annoyed cause the driver of the car seemed like a douche.
      My computer doesn't recognize phlebotomist as a word either haha :)
      hahahahha...steaks :)
