See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

April 19, 2012

Hello!  So today I got really sick :(  I felt really bad because Julia felt bad and I didn't want her to feel bad :)  Anyway, the Germans met the mayor of our town while we were in school which sounds pretty boring but it might be interesting...?  I was supposed to go pick up my prom dress from the fitting but we didn't have time because there was a farewell dinner at the school tonight!  We had pizza and other stuff which included some amazing brownies!!  They were soooo good!!  At the dinner, the exchange students handed out these pretty roses for their host families!!  Yay!  After the dinner, we stayed to watch part of the dress rehearsal for the spring musical at my school.  I forgot to bring a camera so I don't have a picture.  We left half way through because, like I said, Julia felt bad for me :(  We went to Wal-Mart so Julia could find some stuff to bring back to her 'rents and then we came home and watched the news until it was time to go to bed!  Hoorah!  It was her last night in America :(  Boo.

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