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August 1, 2012

Happy August!  Are you as confused as where the time went as I am?!  Today is my half birthday!  Woohoo!  That means I am now officially 18 and one half years old!!!  Yay!  6 more months until I'm 19...I don't want to talk about that :(  This morning I woke up because Kelley, Jill, and I all slept on the couches and Mom and Dad were getting ready in the kitchen so it woke me up.  I fell back asleep though and woke up later.  Kelley made eggies and toast for us and then Jill left on her merry way and I just kind of floated around the house until 11:45!  Cari invited me to go to the movies with her sister, her mom, and Karla to see Step Up Number Too Many and I said yes!!!  I like the Step Up movies but only because the dancing is really good...there aren't really any substance to the movies.  So I drove to Cari's house and then I hopped in her car and we rode to the movies!  We saw it in 3D and it actually wasn't too bad of a movie!  It was better than the third and the dancing was really cool!  Cari leaves for college on Sunday and that makes me sad :(  After the movies, I came home and then read and Mom and Dad were home shortly.  I took a nap before dinner and then after dinner we went over to Grandma's house to get our stuff for a garage sale.  The neighborhood across the street from us is having a garage sale tomorrow but we can't get ready in time so we're probably only doing it on Friday and Saturday and see if anything happens.  This is a new step for my mom...she has been having garage sales at my grandma's house since she was in high school...
So after Grandma's we came home and added more stuff to our sell pile and then Kelley and I just got done watching Never Been Kissed because it's a great movie!  It was a lot better than I originally thought and I think that's becasue the last time I watched it I was like 9 and was really confused about everything that happened in the movie haha :)  Talk about memories though!

1 comment:

  1. I drove past your grandma's house today and I was like "Where is the garage sale?????" So now I understand.

    Never Been Kissed is a great movie!! I always thought her teacher lover was super cute when I used to watch it.
