See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

August 18, 2012

Today I slept in!  Yay!  I woke up at 10ish and then showered.  We didn't have any mandatory thing until 1:30 so Maritza and I went to lunch together at the dining hall.  After that, we decided to go visit our bank and I deposited my very first check!!  The guy behind the counter pretty much did everything for me but it was still an exciting moment for me!  After that, we headed to our small groups that we had to meet up with and watched some videos and then talk about was kind of lame.  After that, we went over to this fair thing where there was supposed to be a lot of booths set up so that we could find a club we wanted to join but pretty much nothing was there but I did sign up for a triathlon team!  Or at least I signed up to receive information for the triathlon team.  I did a lot of walking back and forth between my dorm and where the fair thing was held because it was really boring and I didn't really know where I wanted to go.  Eventually, I went to CVS and bought milk which was also strange for me because I have never bought legit groceries before!  I went back to my room then and Maritza and I just kind of bummed around until about 7:45ish.  She was invited to a CRU party which is the Christian organization on campus and so she took me along and the people there were so friendly but they were all upperclassmen or graduated so I felt young.  On the way there, we got to go to a new part of town and there was this really cool block that we walked through that looked super nice!  After that party, we went over to the park where there was a concert.  It was by Super Smash Bros who were djs and it was pretty fun.  It was like prom on crack.  I finally got to see what a good dj is like!  I got super sweaty and partially deaf as a result of it but it was a lot of fun.  They were showing weird videos as well and those were fun to watch:

A lot of people were crowd surfing and at one point that asked people to put lighters in the air if they had them and so that was cool.  There were so many people there though and it was really hard to move without bumping into somebody!:

Now we made it back to our room and were going to shower because we're narsty haha :)  One more day of summer!


  1. Oh man, Cru! I haven't heard that word in a looooooooooong time. I went to a Cru party slash dance one time and it was pretty much terrible! And those are all the Cru memories I have. :)

    1. hahaha this one was okay. The people were super nice so I'll take it!
