See what Kelley's up to!

Check out Kelley's Blog to see how her year is going!

August 8, 2012

I originally woke up today because I was dreaming that my mom was in my room asking me for five dollars so I woke up to look for my purse to give her five dollars.  When I fully woke up, I was really confused at what I was doing and why I was awake at 9 since I was apparently still really tired, so I went back to bed and woke back up at 11.  I was planning on doing a lot of stuff this morning but that didn't happen because I slept too late.  I did finish the book I was reading and I ate lunch and that's pretty much all I accomplished before Kelley got home.  After she ate and changed and such, Jill came and picked us up!  We went to her classroom today!  She had us reorganize her books so once everything was pulled out, we sorted them into separate categories.  Kelley took this picture of us surrounded by books.  Sorry I look like a freak-o.  After that, Kelley and I cut some things and Jill cleaned her desks.  Then Kelley and I hung her word wall.  Jill pealed off her nasty number line which was a huge improvement to the room.  We went home a little around 7 and then Kelley and I ate dinner.  After dinner we just kind of bummed around and then Kelley and I went to categorize her books but the website isn't working so now we aren't really doing anything except sitting in her room.  DUNES TOMORROW!!!

1 comment:

  1. DUNES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for coming again! I feel like we did nothing but I know we did something! Yay!!!!
