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August 29, 2012

Today was a great day!!!  Yay!  I woke up at 9:30 and then went to lunch when Maritza got home.  I had German and then science and then I was done!  Yay!  When I came back to my room, I took a nap and it was a great nap.  Maritza went outside to do her homework but I stayed inside so I could nap haha.  When she walked through the door I started freaking out because I thought I was late for a class or something haha.  I started asking about the time and if I was late and then I realized I had no more classes so I went back to sleep.  She slept too and then I woke up and woke her up so we could go to dinner.  Kelley has a friend that goes to Iowa so I met up with her today and we got fro yo!!  Yay!  It was super delicious and I took this picture of our yos.  Mine's the one loaded with chocolate because my life has been sufficiently lacking in that department...except for the Snickers Kelley mailed to me which are almost gone.............
I had a great time at the fro yo place!  It was great.  At one point, this guy's stool broke and shattered on the ground and almost hit me but didn't.  It was really awkward and I was glad that I have never broken a chair before in my life haha especially at a frozen yogurt place!  I would cry.
Then I went back to my room.  When I arrived at my residence hall, I heard a siren and saw a bunch of people standing outside so I texted Maritza and asked her what was going on but she had no idea what I was talking about.  A girl on my floor ended up telling me that there was a fire drill and I got scared because if we were caught in our room, then we would get fined and I thought Maritza was just chillin in our room, not noticing that there was a fire drill.  And then she told me she wasn't in our room haha.  When I did get back to my room, I did some homework and stuff.  I skyped Janelle and it was great!  Shout out to Janelle!!!!!!  Then she left because she was hungry hahaha  When Maritza got back, we walked around our residence hall and passed this male a capella group that was singing in this lounge in my hall.  We stopped by and listened to them but they only sang a few songs before their practice was over :(  We plan on going back for future practices though!!  Then I did more homework.  THE END! 

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